Project Napier has been completed at our Napier Street Shelter. Through the great generosity of our donors who came on board for this project, we are happy to report that we raised R1.2 million for the project. Most of the donated funds were from the Mayors Fund and Thinkst Applied Research. We were then able to achieve our goal of adding sixty additional beds to our shelter and built a new administrative block in the carpark. We are very grateful to all those who partnered with us on this project. City of Cape Town Mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis, attended the opening ceremony which was held on Wednesday, 20 September 2023. Many thanks to all who attended.
The Haven will continue the work of creating extra (permanent) bedspaces at various shelters. We have started working on Project Wynberg and Project Claremont and we are currently working on plans for family shelters close to our District Six shelter since we are finding more and more family units resorting to the streets due to unemployment. If you would like to contribute towards these fundraising initiatives, please feel free to connect with us or follow us on social media for more information!